Navy Children School, Visakhapatnam

Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)

"At Model UN, you broaden your horizons by learning networking, you can be part of the UN's efforts to establish peace, secure human rights and enable all people to live in dignity"

It aims at introducing a leadership structure and responsibilities that more accurately mirror the relationship between general assembly and UN secretariat. As a result, student leaders play a more substantive role in the conference than they do in typical MUN.

Today the world desires a young brigade of active empowered equipped, value oriented, enlightened leaders, pacifists and policy makers who can engage themselves fruitfully in pulling society, Nation and the globe out of morass of raging conflicts, disputes fusions and wars.

We at NCS believe the active participation and engagement of delegated shall lend a midas touch to the new learning experience.

The 'Model UN' facilitates the growth of leaders by prepating the young generation to take over the world with a new vision. The Principles of UN - peace, security and dignity for manking crystallize in these young minds. They are armoured to weather the storm of the futre world.
